The world has reached a whole new level of advertising with Meta ads being the most popular choice for people who are new to online marketing. The Meta Business Suite may offer robust analytics; provide advertisers with one of the largest user bases and successfully cater to users at any stage of their engagement journey however, many people still fail to generate positive conversion rates.
What could be the reason for this? We all know that nobody is perfect but, everyone is imperfectly perfect. We all tend to find ways to learn from our mistakes and when it comes to Meta advertising, even a small mistake can have negative impacts.
Here, we will be going through the mistakes people make on Meta ads and how to fix them. Have I got your full attention? Is everyone focused, strapped on and ready to go?
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One common misconception people believe is that their sales would be generated from ads. It doesn’t quite work that way. It’s always useful to know that not all your sales would be coming from ads as the reports will only show conversions generated by the ads and when creating custom reports, this is created as a result of an attribution window. This is when people click on your ad and take action on your website. One key thing to remember is the default attribution window for the ads is set to 1 day after viewing the ad and 28 days after clicking the ad.
Another important thing to realise is, not all your buyers land on the ‘Thank you’ page and this could be down to the implanted payment system. Payment systems such as PayPal, would give customers the auto-return option and this is where users are redirected back to your site on the ‘Thank You’ page once the PayPal transaction is completed. Always remember, if payment is not made via a PayPal account, PayPal standard will not automatically redirect users to the site and this could result in the purchases being missed out from your reports. We all realise the importance of Search Engine Optimization and keeping our websites optimized and up-to-date to deliver the best customer experience online. Similarly, marketers should set up PayPal auto-return to ensure that the sales from Meta ads are generated and are kept on track.
Meta provides users with the opportunity to create custom audiences however, marketers sometimes fail to target their ads properly. Targeting is one of the most important factors when creating websites and ads. Users would look at reaching the right target audience to gain demand and interest. Knowing the traits and characteristics of your target audience will give you a chance to set up your ads and make sure they are seen by the right people. We all realize the importance of lists as this can help encourage you to formulate your own routine therefore, in this given scenario, it’s best to note down the important bits on your list for your target audience so you know how to target the right people. This involves:
Age and gender
Who and what influences them
Interests and hobbies
Meta provides a list of targeting options users can use and implement for their ads and for those who may not know much about their customers, Meta can help them out using ‘Audience Insights’. This is an effective tool that would support marketers in highlighting their potential customers and when carried properly and effectively, this can enable them to target their ads properly, resulting in high demand from buyers.
Finally, one last reason as to why your Meta ads conversion reports may be wrong is all down to bidding options. The bidding section may look complex but, at the same time, this could be one of the reasons as to why your ads aren’t generating enough clicks. There are only a few sections that need to be dealt with and those are ‘bid amount’ and ‘when you are charged’ sections.
In the ‘Bid Amount’ section, people either select the ‘automatic’ or ‘manual’ section. The Automatic section is where Meta sets the bid that can help marketers get the most links clicked at the best price. The Manual section is where a bid is entered and this is based on what link clicks are worth to marketers. If users aren’t generating clicks for the automatic section, they are then encouraged to change this section to manual. Marketers would then be able to decide how much they are willing to bid, per click.
In the ‘When you are charged’ section, marketers are faced with an option to be charged ‘per click’ or by ‘impression’. If clicks are not being generated, this could be down to users choosing the ‘per click’ option, they should instead opt in to be charged by ‘impression’ as this would reduce the cost of a campaign however, this wouldn’t always be the case. If clicks are still not being generated, changes would then need to be made in the ‘targeting’ section.
These are only a few of many issues and recommendations users can take into consideration when fixing conversion reports. These are all common and it’s all about making sure users are able to fix the problem properly and making sure that their website and ads are optimized to provide the best user experience.
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