Meet the team

Rachel Hatfield, MBA

Co-Founder - Project Director

A passionate equestrian, full of creative ideas and a background in corporate conferences. A qualified coach with ILM

Carl Marsden

Web Developer

A Web Developer with a knack for problem solving. Who is rather fond of coding and painting small plastic soldiers.

Chris Morris, QTS

Co-Founder + CEO

A keen dog walker with a background in Primary Education. Is passionate about supporting young people in their careers.

Joanna Hardy


A lover of books and a Masters in English Literature (British and Commonwealth). She is a keen dog walker.

Frances Dixon


Cat Mum and a background in Equine Sports Performance, psychology, and NLP practitioner and modeling.

Debbie Whitaker, ACMA CGMA

Finance Director

Looking beyond the numbers and is a CIMA-qualified FD. A biker chick at heart and a horse-riding fanatic and loves a dog walk on the weekends.

SHOO wellbeing animals

Every mood, every moment, every state of mind. What you feel should have an expression in what you wear. Follow your heart and be true to your soul. Everything else will fall into place. 

Our Values


We are here to provide you with the assurance that there are others out there who have gone through what you have or are going through it now.


We have a firm commitment to our values ​- you'll experience honesty, kindness and respect for all.


Having an honest conversation is better than pretending you were never wrong. Honesty makes an extremely valuable foundation to any relationship.


Trust comes in many forms. It is something that must be earned. With Trust, you'll always be able to find everything you need.

It's not just about what you sell or the service you offer. It's about the people you offer it to. If you're invested in developing your staff, then your customers will stay invested in being your customer. That's how it should be.

Let’s start getting support, instead of creating ads. And let’s start thinking less about what our competition is doing, and more about what our customers want us to do⁣⁣

If you're an organisation with a vision, mission statement, or core values, then your brand is just as valuable as your products and services. Why gives you a framework to articulate your organisation's reason for being, and helps you find the right words to tell the world. It's a leadership tool for communicating with stakeholders, customers, and employees.

"People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it."

Simon Sinek

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