Shoo Academy Platform for Universities

Our platform is designed to help your students at university expand their knowledge of marketing.

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Why the Shoo Academy Platform?

Our platform helps students get a taste of the “real world” in marketing. Having this course can help students have more interactive work whilst studying at university, to further assist them during university and after. Plus, it gives them the confidence to pursue further education in marketing. This platform can target different students who work differently, especially the ones who prefer hands-on.

How will it benefit the University:

How will it benefit the university as well as the students?  Universities can benefit from this as it can help students graduate, which in turn can improve employment rates after university by increasing the student's experience to work.

It also gives students the opportunity to improve their time management skills whilst studying at university.

In addition, the Shoo Academy Platform will give them that extra bit of knowledge for when they learn the theoretical work at university, and so be able to apply it to the real world.

Additionally, this can encourage students to pursue further education like a master's degree in marketing at the university.

The Shoo Academy Platform can be used to shape lectures and seminars as well as introduce new learning modules to the students whilst at university.

Shoo Academy: A marketing platform for university students to gain real-world experience and enhance career readiness.

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Need additional information? Feel free to contact us today, and together we can change the learning experience at univeristy.

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